Research Team



Prof. G. Panasenko is a specialist in the theory of partial differential equations, applied mathematics and applications to the mechanics of composite materials, fluid mechanics and mathematical modelling in biology, and in particular the blood flow modelling. His research has an important international aspect. The method of partial asymptotic decomposition of a domain (Panasenko method) proposed by G. Panasenko reduces the important computational costs for three-dimensional models and is applied for studying the blood circulation problems. He has published more than 140 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, two books (having more than 4000 citations). G. Panasenko was an adviser of twenty PhD students (nineteen dissertations completed). Since 2011 he is a distinguished professor (professeur classe exceptionnelle) of the University Jean Monnet (member of Université de Lyon). He is a member of editorial boards of seven international journals; coordinator in international projects: PICS CNRS French-Russian project BIOMAT in 2015-2017, and the French-German grant DAAD-Campusfrance in 2013-2014. G. Panasenko collaborates with biophysical team in Russian Academy of Sciences, with the team of the Fraunhofer Institute ITWM at Kaiserslautern, where he is a consultant, with the Universidad de Chile and Groningen University.


  • Konstantinas Pileckas

Prof. K.Pileckas is already almost 40 years working on the theory of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, in particular on the theory of the Navier-Stokes equations describing the motion of a viscous incompressible fluid. He has published more than 120 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, was giving invited talks at many international conferences, and was invited as the visiting professor to different world scientific centers. K.Pileckas was an adviser of seven PhD students (six dissertations completed). He actively cooperated with many scientists from different countries. He was the principal investigator of several Lithuanian and international research projects. Recently K.Pileckas (jointly with G. Panasenko) received breakthrough in the theory of Navier-Stokes equations in thin tube structures; the results concerning the asymptotic behavior of solutions, previously known only for the steady case, were obtained for the evolutionary case (see Nonlinear Analysis, 122 (2015) 125–168, 125 (2015), 582-607). On the other hand, during the last several years K. Pileckas (together with M. Korobkov and R. Russo) has introduced a completely new method that, so far, has led to the resolution of nonhomogeneous boundary value problem for Navier-Stokes equations in 2D and 3D axially symmetric bounded domains. The obtained result gives a complete answer to the more than 80 years being open Leray's problem in the case of 2D and axially symmetric 3D bounded domains (see Annals of Math., 181, 2 (2015), 769-807). These two results open extremely good perspectives to study the formulated above unsolved problems and to outrun the world leading mathematical groups working on this topic.


  • Audrius Aidietis

Prof. A. Aidietis is well-renowned specialist in the mitral valve repair. Over 35 years of experience in electrophysiology, interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery. Audrius Aidietis is a Professor in the Clinic of Cardiac And Vascular Diseases at Vilnius University. He also supervises PhD students. He has participated in many international conferences. A. Aidietis has published over 170 publications. He is also the Director of the Department of Cardiology and Angiology in Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos. In addition to serving as a lead surgeon of neochords providing training to foreign colleagues in the implementation of this new technology, A. Aidietis also is a Proctor in the tricuspid valve percutaneous repair. Prof. A. Aidietis is the co-author of the non-invasive method in establishing both beginning and duration of atrial fibrillation by the help of a special medical bracelet during long lasting monitoring. Professor takes an active part in implementation and development of the new percutaneous treatment methods of atrial fibrillation with his participation in clinical studies. He is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, a Member of the Lithuanian Heart Association, and a Member of the Lithuanian Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons’ Society. A. Aidietis received St. Christopher award for his merits in medicine and he was awarded the Officer‘s Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas for his distinguished achievements in innovative medicine.


  • Sigita Aidietienė

Sigita Aidietienė is a Professor in the Clinic of Cardiac And Vascular Diseases at Vilnius University and she is a senior doctor at the Department of Cardiology and Angiology in Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos. She has taken in immensely active part in implementing and developing cardiac ultrasound procedures. Moreover, she is the lead of the cardiac ultrasound department. Furthermore, S. Aidietienė leads the group in developing onco-cardiology in line with evidence-based medicine. Her particular scientific interests include diagnostics and treatment methods of both pulmonary embolism and pulmonary hypertension.


  • Kristina Kaulakytė

Assoc. Prof. K. Kaulakytė works on the theory of Navier-Stokes equations for more than 9 years. She defended her PhD thesis on similar topics, participated in several national and international successful scientific projects. K. Kaulakytė has published a series of papers on the theory of Navier-Stokes equations in infinite and cusp domains.  She has spent one year doing research as a postdoc fellow at Zurich University.


  • Gediminas Gaidulis

Dr. G. Gaidulis is the author of the mitral valve computational model used for the modeling of mitral valve surgical procedure. In 2019, he defended his doctoral thesis "Numerical Modeling of Transapical Mitral Valve Repair". Dr. G. Gaidulis gained additional experience in the field of heart valves modeling while carrying out the internship at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) in 2017. His main research interests are cardiovascular modeling and biomechanics of heart valves.


  • Sergejus Borodinas

Prof. S. Borodinas research concerns the modelling and numerical experiments.


  • Young researchers: Vytenis Šumskas, Nikolajus Kozulinas, Oleg Ardatov.